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In this new season, our goal is finding meaning while “COVID-19-ing.” In other words, how are we navigating this new normal? We’ll hear from our expert guests and YOU (that’s right, you the listener…see below). Listen to this episode to get a 13-minute preview of the season ahead!
Part I: Upcoming episodes:
- Scott Porter: founder of San Diablo Churros. Before the pandemic the company catered to large events. When those events all got cancelled, the company pivoted by banding with other local food startups to create a delivery service of Quarantine Survival Kits.
- Andrew Dougherty (Big Daddy Dough): Macro-economist and Rapper for China. We answer listeners’ questions about how the pandemic is affecting the US/China relationship, their economies, and what we can learn from different governments’ response to COVID-19. And we have him answer these questions…in rap form.
- Keri Dyer: Therapist now doing all therapy sessions online. In a world where people are washing hands more than ever, Keri wants us to not overlook our mental health by focusing on Emotional Hygiene.
- Jason Shepherd: Neuroscientist studying viruses in the brain. While Jason Shepherd is an expert in viruses associated with cognition and memory, most recently he’s taken it upon himself to use his scientific savviness to combat COVID-19 conspiracy theories.
- Poetry Slamdemic. We’ll have a few guests express how they are COVID-19-ing. But rather than just talking the whole time about the pandemic, we’ll be poeming about it.
Part II: How you, the listener can be part of the conversation:
- Ask questions for upcoming episodes by texting or leaving a voice mail to 513-INFORM-U.
- Tell us how YOU are COVID-19-ing. In other words, how are you navigating this pandemic? Call 513-INFORM-U and leave a brief message about your experience and we’ll feature some of your stories on the show.
- We want your original music about COVID-19-ing! Are you a songwriter that has written a song about your experience? Do you know someone who has? To submit, send the recording (it can be rough) via private message in the Un-Uninformed Facebook page or email us at ununinformed@gmail.com with an attached recording or link to the recording in the cloud.
- We are doing a Corona Quiz via Facebook Live in the coming week and we want volunteers to be contestants for this 19-question quiz. If you want to step up to the challenge of taking a quiz about the pandemic, viruses, current news about COVID-19, etc., here’s how you sign up: Leave a voice mail on 513-INFORM-U first telling us how your are COVID-19-ing and then say “and I want to do the Corona Quiz.”