We all know about physical hygiene, but what about emotional hygiene (especially during a pandemic)? In a time where all our lives have been disrupted, therapist Keri Dyer helps us creatively navigate our emotional health. How are you coping with your stress and anxiety: binge-watching Netflix, eating junk food, overspending? In this episode, Keri Dyer gives us healthy ways of handling our emotions including: mindfulness, breathing exercises, and being playful with negative thoughts (playful? …you’ll see what we mean). For more emotional hygiene advice, watch our first podcast episode with Keri Dyer a few years back.
Also, we do a mini-feature at the end of this episode with Skylar Bennett, a co-founder of Tough Apparel. Tough Apparel was recently on Shark Tank where they showcased their iconic super-durable (and machine washable) Tough Tie. And most recently, they’ve pivoted to making fancy face masks. Check out Tough Apparel’s story and their ties, belts, socks, and masks at toughapparel.com
For the next few episodes in this season, we’re featuring coronavirus-themed original songs, submitted by listeners. And in this episode we’re kicking it off with “Six Feet Away” by Becky Burr and the Bluegrass Boys. You’ll find the video version of this parody love song on YouTube or on the Un-Uninformed Facebook Page.